
Die Forschungsseminare finden, wenn nicht anders vermerkt, an Montagen um 16:15 Uhr im Seminarraum A222 Uni-S statt.

Termine 2025

Datum Referent/in Titel
17.02.2025 Davide La Vecchia
University of Geneve
GLAMLE: a novel inference procedure for networks, in the presence of latent variables
24.02.2025 Guido Schwerdt
University of Konstanz
Where Do STEM Graduates Stem From? The Intergenerational Transmission of Comparative Skill Advantages
03.03.2025 Christoph Hedtrich
Uppsala University
10.03.2025 Holger Herz
University of Fribourg
17.03.2025 Germain Gaudin
University of Freiburg
Quality and Imperfect Competition
Mathieu Couttenier
ENS Lyon
31.03.2025 Lorenz Hartmann
University of Basel
07.04.2025 Alberto Martin
14.04.2025 Christoph Carnehl
University of Bocconi
Kirill Evdokimov
Pompeu Fabra
19.05.2025 Yucheng Yang
Friday, 14.00-15.30
Ruben Durante
National University of Singapore
Guillaume Plantin
Sciences Po

Seminare vorheriger Jahre

Datum Referent/In Titel
Kenneth Gillingham
Yale University
Valuing Technology Complementarities: Rooftop Solar and Energy Storage
Matthew Mitchell
University of Toronto
Selling Checkmarks
Guillaume Pouliot
University of Chicago
An Exact t-Test
Galo Nuno Barrau
Bank of Spain
Firm Heterogeneity, Capital Misallocation and Optimal Monetary Policy
Michael Lechner
University of St. Gallen
Comprehensive Causal Machine Learning
29.04.2024 Kevin Bryan
University of Toronto
The Paper Trail of Knowledge, Revisited
Dmitry Mukhin
Optimal Exchange Rate Policy
23.09.2024 Ariell Reshef
Legislation, Regulation and Litigation: Demand for U.S. Legal Services in Historical Perspective
30.09.2024 Paula Onuchic
How do Groups Speak and How are They Understood
Christopher Roth
University of Cologne
AI Customization and the Market for News
Han Ye
University of Mannheim
Spillover Effects of Old-Age Pension Across Generations: Family Labor Supply and Child Outcomes
David Andolfatto
University of Miami
Was the 2021-22 Inflation Surge Avoidable?
Jonas von Wangenheim
University of Bonn
Organizational Change and Reference-Dependent Preferences
Jaromir Nosal
Boston College

The macroeconomic implications of the Gen-AI economy

Christian Ochsner
Pandemics’ reprisals: The U-shaped pattern of suffering for effective policy measures
02.12.2024 Fabrizio Mattesini
Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Ban Runs and Interventions with Wholesale Debt
Datum Referent/in
20.03.2023 Andre Kurmann
Drexel University's LeBow College of Business
Disincentive Effects of Pandemic Unemployment Benefits
27.03.2023 Dina Pomeranz
University of Zurich
Decreasing Emissions by Increasing Energy Access? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment on Off-Grid Solar Lights
03.04.2023 Ed Nosal
FRB Atlanta
Provision of liquidity to stressed financial markets: Resurrecting the classical lender of last resort
17.04.2023 Roger Koenker
University College London
Nonparametric Empirical Bayes: An Overview
24.04.2023 Oliver Scaillet
University of Geneva
Latent Factor Analysis in Short Panels
08.05.2023 Jorge Lemus
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Product Development with Lurking Patentees
15.05.2023 Anna Salomons
Utrecht University
New Frontiers: The Origins and Content of New Work, 1940-2018
22.05.2023 Jorge De La Roca
University of Southern California
Skill allocation and urban amenities in the developing world
Friday, 10.15 am
Joris Müller
National University of Singapore
State-Building in a Diverse Society
18.09.2023 Sandro Ambühl
University of Zurich
Competing Causal Interpretations: An Experimental Study
25.09.2023 Oliver Pfäuti
University of Bern
The Inflation Attention Threshold and Inflation Surge
09.10.2023 Mirco Rubin
EDHEC Business Schoool in Nice
New Tests and Estimators for Common Dynamic Factors
16.10.2023 Ryan Kellogg
University of Chicago
Environmental Consequences of Hydrocarbon Infrastructure Policy
Kevin Sheedy
Endogenous Bank Fragility in a Macroeconomic Model
04.12.2023 Temo Anda
ETH/NUS Singapore
Generative AI for synthetic data: creating privacy-preserving mobility populations
Datum Referent/in Titel
21.02.2022 Dominic Rohner
University of Lausanne
Hidden Hostility: Donor Attention and Political Violence
28.02.2022 Aleksey Tetenov
University of Geneva
An Economic Theory of Statistical Testing
Mark Watson
Princeton University
Spatial Correlation Robust Inference 
14.03.2022 Lorenz Kueng
University of Lugano
The Riskiness of Owning Versus Renting Housing
21.03.2022 Harald Fadinger
University of Mannheim
Robot Imports and Firm-level Outcomes
28.03.2022 Ferdinand Rauch
University of Oxford
Asymmetric Trading Costs and Ancient Greek Cities
04.04.2022 Miguel-Àngel Garcia-López
Uni autonoma Barcelona
The role of amenities in shaping cities
11.04.2022 Alexandra Spitz-Oener
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Does the Gender Composition of An Occupation Affect its Compensation?
25.04.2022 Axel Dreher
University of Heidelberg
The role of amenities in shaping cities
09.05.2022 Colleen Cunningham
Keeping Invention Confidential
Sun Kyoung Lee
Yale University
European Immigrants and the United States’ Rise to the Technological Frontier
16.05.2022 Zvika Neeman
Tel Aviv University
Privacy, Prices, and Market Structure in Competitive Search Markets
30.05.2022 Thierry Kamionka
Modeling the impact of cigarette taxation and smoking ban on smoking practices and general physician visits in the UK
04.07.2022 Denis Shishkin
UC San Diego
Ambiguous Information and Dilation: An Experiment
19.09.2022 Johannes Johnen
Université Louvain la Neuve
Deceptive Features on Platforms
26.09.2022 Özlem Bedre-Defolie
ESMT Berlin
Competition for exclusivity of a superior input
03.10.2022 Manuel Arellano
Nonlinear Income and Consumption Dynamics: Heterogeneity and Aggregate Effects
10.10.2022 Sebastian Merkel
Princeton University
Debt as Safe Asset
17.10.2022 Koen Jochmans
Toulouse School of Economics
Bootstrap inference for fixed-effect models
24.10.2022 Jörg Oechssler
University of Heidelberg
An experiment on robo-advising
31.10.2022 Susanne Goldlücke
University of Konstanz
Hidden Overtime: Optimal Contracts with (Self-)Deceptive Effort Reports
07.11.2022 Laura Grigolon
University of Mannheim
Stigma as a Barrier to Treatment and Adoption of Innovation
28.11.2022 Mark Schelker
University of Fribourg
Determinants and Consequences of Regulatory Activity: A century of regulation in the Swiss cantons
05.12.2022 Eyal Winter
Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Lancaster University
Winners and Losers in Priority Services
12.12.2022 Wolfram Schlenker
Columbia University
Property Rights and Global Crop Yields
 Datum Referent/in
Dirk Foremny
University of Barcelona
Paraísos Fiscales, Wealth Taxation, and Mobility
Yanos Zylberberg
University of Bristol
Industrial clusters in the long run: Evidence from Million-Rouble plants in China
03.05.2021 Martino Pelli
University of Sherbrooke
A Tale of Two Roads: Groundwater Depletion in the North China Plain
Petyo Bonev
University of St Gallen
The effect of local monitoring on nuclear safety and compliance: evidence from France
Kirill Borusyak
University College London (UCL)
Non-Random Exposure to Exogenous Shocks: Theory and Applications
Pierre Regibeau
Chief Economist, DG Competition
current debates in competition policy
04.10.2021 Daniel Kaufmann
University of Neuchatel
Do Sticky Wages Matter? New Evidence from Matched Firm-Survey and Register Data
11.10.2021 Elisa Ossola
ISPRA (European Commission)
When do investors go green? Evidence from a time-varying asset-pricing model
Friday, 16.00 h
Bo Honoré
Princeton University
Moment Conditions for Dynamic Panel Logit Models with Fixed Effects
18.10.2021 Emanuele Tarantino
Shelving or developing? The acquisition of potential competitors under financial constraints

01.11.2021 Ines Helm
Stockholm University
The dynamic response of municipal budgets to revenue shocks
08.11.2021 Simon Dietz
Growth and adaptation to climate change in the long run
15.11.2021 Pierre-Philippe Combes

Measuring land use changes by (machine) learning from historical maps - The emergence, growth, and stagnation of cities: France c. 1760-2020

Matias Cortes
York University
Make Your Own Luck: The Wage Gains from Starting College in a Bad Economy
Colleen Cunningham
Keeping invention confidential
Lorenz Kueng
University of Lugano
Datum Referent/in Titel
17.02.2020 Mauricio Romero
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)
Factorial Designs, Model Selection, and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments
09.03.2020 Raphael Parchet
Universita Della svizzera Italiana
Who Bears the Burden of Local Taxes?
02.11.2020 Sebastian Siegloch
University of Mannheim
Direct, Spill-Over and Welfare Effects of Place-Based Policies: Evidence from Investment Subsidies in East Germany via Zoom
Sarah Auster
Bocconi University
Sorting versus screening in markets with adverse selection
Yassine Lefouili
Toulouse School of Economics
Privacy Regulation and Quality Investment
Marek Pycia
University of Zurich
Evaluating with Statistics: Which Outcome Measures Differentiate Among Matching Mechanisms?
Jeremy Laurent-Lucchetti
University of Geneva
Ethnic Conflicts and the Informational Dividend of Democracy
Beatrix Eugster
University of St Gallen
Peers with special needs: Effects and Policies
Cristian P. Traeger
University of Oslo
Capturing Instrinsic Risk Attitude
Matti Liski
Aalto University
Do consumers gain when new technologies improve the efficiency of goods trade?
Giacomo Calzolari
European University Institute
Artifical Intelligence, Algorithmic Pricing and Collusion
Ulrike Schneider
Technische Universität Wien
On the Model Selection Properties and Geometry of the Lasso
Margaret Meyer
Oxford University
Gaming and Strategic Opacity in Incentive Provision: Experimental Evidence
Yannis Ioannides
Tufts University
Endogenous Social Networks and Inequality in an Intergenerational Settings
12.00 h
Vasiliki Skreta
University College London
Mechanism Design with Limited Commitment
Patrick Premand
World Bank
Creating New Positions? Direct and Indirect Effects ofa Subsidized Apprenticeship Program (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Nadine Riedel
Bochum-Ruhr Universität
Spatial Tax Enforcement Spillovers: Evidence from South Africa
01.04.2019 Martin Wagner
Technische Universität Dortmund
Testing Linear Cointegration Against Smooth Transition Cointegration: Theory and an Application to Long-Run Money Demand
Frederic Malherbe
Beyond Pangloss: Financial Sector Origins of Excessive Output
Marc Muendler
Tasks, Occupations, and Wage Inequality in an Open Economy
Ester Faia
Universität Frankfurt
Automation, Globalization and Vanishing Jobs: A Labor Market Sorting View
Paulina Restrepo
Federal Reserve Bank St Louis
Resource Curse or Blessing? Sovereign Risk in Resource-Rich Emerging Economies
Maarten Janssen
University of Vienna
Retail Discrimination in Search Markets
Mike Burkart
London School of Economics
Activism and Takeovers
 Datum Referent/in
19.12.2018 Simon Alder
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Political Distortions and Infrastructure Networks in China: A Quantitative Spatial Equilibrium Analysis
Hans Gersbach
ETH Zürich
On the (Dynamic) Money Creation Approach
12.11.2018 Jakub Steiner
Uni Zurich and CERGE-EI
Attention Please!
29.10.2018 Simon Loertscher
University of Melbourne
Equilibrium adjustment dynamics
22.10.2018 Francisco Ruge-Murcia
McGill University
Indirect Inference Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic General Equilibrium Models: With an Application to Asset Pricing under Skewness Risk
15.10.2018 Simon Broda
University of Amsterdam
Backtesting CoVaR
01.10.2018 Luis Santos-Pinto
HEC Lausanne
Subjective Performance Evaluation of Employees with Biased Beliefs
24.09.2018 Per Krusell
IIES, Stockholm University
The Historical Evolution of the Wealth Distribution: A Quantitative-theoretic Investigation
17.09.2018 Laurent Gobillon
Paris School of Economics
The Production Function for Housing: Evidence from France
23.05.2018 Beata Javorcik
University of Oxford
Financial Constraints and Propagation of Shocks in Production Networks
12.15 h
Stephan Heblich
University of Bristol
East Side Story: Historical Pollution and Persistent Neighborhood Sorting
14.05.2018 Timo Boppart
Missing Growth from Creative Destruction
30.04.2018 Lea Cassar
University of Cologne
Intentions for Doing Good Matter for Doing Well: The (Negative) Signaling Value of Prosocial Incentives
16.04.2018 Dana Sisak
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Showing Off or Laying Low?
09.04.2018 Giacomo Ponzetto
CREI/Pombeu Fabra
Securing Property Rights
19.03.2018 Daniel Kraehmer
Universität Bonn
Full Surplus Extraction in Mechanism Design with Information Disclosure
13.03.2018 Francesco Zanetti
University of Oxford
State Dependence in Labor Market Fluctuations: Evidence, Theory and Policy Implications
12.03.2018 Lorenz Kueng
Northwestern University
Excess Sensitivity of High-Income Consumers
05.03.2018 Todd Keister
University of Rutgers
Managing Aggregate Liquidity: The Role of a Central Bank Digital Currency
26.02.2018 Tai-Wei Hu
University of Bristol
Optimal Banking Regulation with Endogenous Liquidity Provision
19.02.2018 Konrad Mierendorff
Optimal Sequential Decision with Limited Attention
Guillaume Vuillemey
The Failure of a Clearinghouse: Empirical Evidence
Susanna Esteban
International Integration of Used Markets with a Monopoly Producer
John Moore
Leverage Stacks and the Financial System
Florian Scheuer
University of Zurich
Signaling to Experts
Luca Fornaro
The Paradox of Global Thrift
Toomas Hinnosaar
Collegio Carlo Alberto
Dynamic common-value contests
Alessandro Mennuni
University of Southampton
Liquid Accounts as a Store of Value and Excess Capacity
Fernando Martin
St. Louis Fed.
The Value of Constraints on Discretionary Government Policy
Ralph Ossa
University of Zurich
Accounting for the New Gains from Trade Liberalization
Justin Johnson
Cornell University
Anticompetitive Exclusive Dealing without Exclusion
Sascha Becker
University of Warwick
The Economic Effects of Catholic Censorship During the Counter-Reformation
Giacomo Calzolari
University of Bologna
Exclusive contracts with costly rent extraction
Francois Geerolf
University of California

A Theory of Discount Rates

08.05.2017 Jose L. Moraga Gonzales
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
A Model of Directed Consumer Search
Yongmin Chen
University of Colorado at Boulder
Experience Goods, Consumer Search, and Intermediaries
Xavier Ragot
Paris School of Economics
Inequality, Liquidity, and Optimal Monetary Policy
José V. Rodriguez Mora
University of Edinburgh
Correlating Social Mobility and Economic Outcomes
Jean-Paul L'Huillier
Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF)
Technological Revolutions and the Three Great Slumps: A Medium-Run Analysis
Simone Manganelli
European Central Bank
Deciding with Judgment
David de la Croix
Université catholique de Louvain
French Fertility and Education Transition: Rational Choice vs. Cultural Diffusion
Frank Kleibergen
University of Amsterdam
Efficient size correct subset inference in linear instrumental variables regression
 22.02.2016 Fabian Herweg
University of Bayreuth
Optimal Cost Overruns: Procurement Auctions with Renegotiation
Gregory Crawford
University of Zurich
Bounding Demand Elasticities with Unobserved Choice Set Heterogeneity
Shengxing Zhang
London School of Economics
Turnover Liquidity and the Transmission of Monetary Policy
21.03.2016 Francesca Carapella
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C.
Clearing, transparency, and collateral
Martin Gonzales-Eiras
University of Copenhagen
Why Might the Old Want to Honor Sovereign Debt?
David Dorn
University of Zurich
Foreign Competition and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from U.S. Patents
18.04.2016 Marlene Isoré
University of Helsinki
Disaster risk and preference shifts in a New Keynesian model
Gabriel Ahlfeldt
London School of Economics and Political Science
Après Nous le Déluge? Direct Democracy and Intergenerational Conflicts in Ageing Societies
02.05.2016 Marie Hoerova
European Central Bank
Optimal margins and equilibrium prices
Ferdinand Rauch
Oxford University
The Benefits of Forced Experimentation: Striking Evidence from the London Underground Network
Jaime Luque
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The credit scoring channel in the subprime conduit mortgage market
Toru Kitagawa
University College London
Who should be treated? Empirical welfare maximization methods for treatment choice.
Benoit Mojon
Banque de France
Forward guidance and heterogenous beliefs
05.10.2016 Patrick Fève
Toulouse School of Economics
When is Nonfundamentalness in VARs A Real Problem? An Application to News Shocks
Roman Sustek
University of London
Regis Breton
Banque de France
Alexey Kushnir
Carnegie Mellon University
Joao Montez
HEC Lausanne
12.12.2016 Alex Whalley
University California
19.12.2016 Patrick Gagliardini
University of Lugano
  • Frédéric Robert-Nicoud, Université de Genève
    "Trade and long term unemployment: A quantitative assesment"
  • Kevin Sheedy, London School of Economics
    "Morning Horse"
  • Martin Wagner, TU Dortmund
  • Ben Lester, Philadelphia FED
  • Marek Jarocinski, European Central Bank
  • Regis Barnichon, CREI/Pompeu Fabra
    "Measuring the Non-linear Effects of Monetary Policy"
  • Francesco Zanetti, Oxford University
  • Christiane Baumeister, Bank of Canada
    "Sign Restrictions, Structural Vector Autoregressions, and Useful Prior Information"
  • Shengxing Zhang, London School of Economics
  • Leonardo Melosi, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
  • Thierry Magnac, Toulouse School of Economics
  • Carolyn Fischer, Resources for the future
    "Strategic subsidies for green goods
  • Davide Debortoli, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
    "Optimal Time-Consistent Government Debt Maturity
  • Angel Hernando Veciana, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
    "Rounding in Libor Fixing"
  • David Albouy, University of Illinois
    "Housing Demand and Expenditures: How Rising Rent Levels Affect Behavior andCosts-of-Living over Space and Time"
  • Keith Kuester, University of Bonn
    "Doves for the Rich, Hawks for the poor? Distributional consequences of monetary policy"
  • Dino Gerardi, Collegio Carlo Alberto
    "Dynamic Contracting with Limited Commitment and the Ratchet Effect"
  • Mario Forni, University di Modena
    "Measuring Fundamentalness and Partial Fundamentalness in Structural VARs"
  • Ed Nosal, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
    "Segregated Balance Accounts"
  • Helmut Lütkepohl, Freie Unviersität Berlin
    "Structural Vector Autoregressions with Heteroskedasticity - A Comparison of Different Volatility Models"
  • Dennis Kristensen, University College London
    "Modeling Corporate Defaults: Poisson Autoregressions with Exogeneous Covariates (PARX)
  • Tomohiro Hirano, University of Tokyo
    "Macroprudential Policy versus Bailouts in a Rational-Bubble Model: Lean or Clean?"
  • Christian Keuschnigg, Universität St. Gallen
    "Flexicurity, Taxes and Job Reallocation"
  • Tim Friehe, University of Bonn
    "The Influence of Product Liability on Vertical Product Dierentiation"
  • Aleksander Berentsen, University of Basel
    "Financial Fragility in Monetary Economies"
  • Stefan Hoderlein, Boston University
    "The Triangular Model with Random Coefficients"
  • Piepaolo Benigno, LUISS
    "Non-Neutrality of Open-Market Operations"
  • Herman van Dijk, University of Amsterdam -
    "Posterior-Predictive Evidence on US Inflation using Extended new Keynesian philips Curve Models with non-filtered Data
  • Philippe Bacchetta, HEC Lausanne
    "Corporate Cash and Employment"
  • Ricardo Reis, Columbia University
    "Maintaining Central-Bank Solvency  under New-Style Central Banking"
  • Berno Büchel, University  of Hamburg
    "Opinion Dynamics and Wisdom under Conformity"
  • Kathy Spier, Harvard University
    " Trial and Settlement: A Study of High-Low Agreements"
  • Luca Sala, Bocconi University
    "Noisy News in Business Cycles"
  • David Martimort, Paris School of Economics
    " Double-edged asymmetric information as a motive for trade, trade policies, and inefficient trade agreements"
  • Luis Santos Pinto, University of Lausanne
    " Entrepreneurial Optimism and Equity Market Signaling"
  • Francois Gourio, Boston University and FED
    "Financial Distress and Endogenous Uncertainty"
  • Daniel Chen, ETH Zurich
    "Growth Under the Shadow of Expropriation? The Economic Impacts of Eminent Domain"
  • Carlo Favero, Bocconi University
    "The Output Effect of Fiscal Adjustments"
  • Sylvia Kaufmann, Studycenter Gerzensee
    "The Cyclical Component of Labor Market Polarization and Jobless Recoveries in the US"
  • Luca Gambetti, Universitat Autonoma Barcelona
    "The Effects of Monetary Policy on Asset Prices Bubbles: Some Evidence"
  • Sophocles Mavroeidis, Oxford University
    "Learning can generate Long Memory"
  • Katja Kaufmann, Bocconi University
    "The intergenerational Effects of Elite higher Education: Evidence from Chile"
  • John Moore, London School of Economics
  • Conny Wunsch, Universität Basel
    "Unemployment insurance and departures from employment"
  • Juan Rubio-Ramirez, Duke University
    "Inference Based on SVARs Identified with Sign and Zero Restrictions: Theory and Application"
  • Diego Puga, CEMFI Madrid
    "City of Dreams"
  • Andrea Weber, Univeristät Mannheim
    "Coworkers, Networks, and Job Search Outcomes"
  • Jordi Gali, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
    "The Effects of a Money-Financed Fiscal Stimulus"
  • Guido Ascari, University of Pavia
    "Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions: Leeper (91) Redux"
  • Jorgen Weibull, Stockholm School of Economics
    "Evolutionarily stable strategies, preferences and moral values, in n-player interactions"
  • Ulrich J. Wagner, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
    "Can taxes tame the banks? Evidence from European bank levies"
  • Heiko Karle, ETH Zurich
    "The Structure of Negotiations: Incomplete Agreements and the Focusing Effect"
  • Stefan Sperlich, Universität Genf
    "Fancy Non-(non-)linearities in Applied Econometrics"