Brown Bag Seminar

Die Brown-Bag Seminare finden, wenn nicht anders vermerkt, während des Semesters am Mittwoch zwischen 12.00 und 13.00 Uhr im A222 Uni-S statt.


Termine 2025

Datum Referent/in Titel
14.00-15.00 Uhr
Martin Jehli
From Panic to Precision: Rethinking VIX as a Certainty Equivalent
19.03.2025 David Baumann
26.03.2025 Leyla Gilgen
University of Bern
Merger Spillovers on Competitors
Marina Glaus
University of Bern
07.05.2025 Elisabeth Preyer
University of Bern
14.05.2025 Lukas Hauck
University of Bern
14.00-15.00 Uhr
Severin Wildhaber
University of Bern
28.05.2025 Siri Isaksson
Norwegian School of Economics
04.06.2025 David Baumann
11.06.2025 Julia Schlosser
University of Bern
Sally Dubach
University of Bern

Important remark for PhD students:

The former PhD Workshop has been integrated into the Brown Bag seminar.
It is still possible to present fresh research ideas, unfinished working papers and conference preparations.
We encourage you to present your work at an early stage!

For information purposes, please indicate below the stage of your work, using the following enumeration:

  1. Research ideas (2 presentations per date possible, each 20 Minutes+Discussion)
  2. Unfinished working paper (some preliminary results, paper not written yet)
  3. Finished work - conference paper