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Faculty of Business, Economics
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Department of Economics
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Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Department of Economics
Department of Economics
Department of Economics
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Degree theses
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Centre for Research in Economics of Education
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Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED)
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I start working on my thesis?
The final thesis is usually written in the last semester of the degree program. However, you should start working on it towards the end of the previous semester so that you have enough time to look for a topic and choose a supervisor.
With whom can I write a thesis?
All professors at the VWI supervise Bachelor or Master theses. After consultation with the main supervisor at the VWI, lecturers who do not work at the VWI can also be admitted as second supervisors.
Other institutes publish lists of topics. How do I find a topic for a thesis in economics?
The seminars in economics serve as preparation for the final thesis. Most of the time, you will write your first economic paper and you will have to deal intensively with the literature of a certain topic. This should serve as a basis for possible research questions.
How do I specifically formulate a research question?
A good research question is central to a good thesis. You should invest time at the beginning to formulate it precisely. For example, "I would like to study wages and inflation" is not precise enough to contact a supervisor with. It is advisable to already read an important paper within the literature to get a feeling for interesting research questions.
When do I know whether a research question is suitable?
The discussion and evaluation of the research question will be done jointly with your supervisor. However, an important point besides the precise formulation and how it refers to the current literature is its feasibility. For an empirical paper, you should already look for possible data sources and check their availability (often, access to micro data is restricted). For a theoretical paper, you ought to consider existing models that could be extended.
I would like to write a thesis in a certain subject. How do I proceed?
From your own experience and from the VWI website you can find 2-3 potential supervisors who are doing research in this field themselves. Some professors have further information about writing theses on their website, such as suggested topics or deadlines, which you can use as a guide. The personal websites are linked
How do I then choose a supervisor?
Research fit is the most important point. From researching the Professors websites and past publications, you aim to find the one who is doing research closest to your question. This person should be your first point of contact.
My first-choice supervisor has no further information on their website. What should I do?
You can contact them directly by email. It is best to already formulate the research question. It is not necessary to write a complete proposal if it is not explicitly stated on the website.
Do I need to have attended the supervisor's lecture/seminar?
Generally, this is desired and sometimes mandatory since the basics of the field are taught there. This is another reason why early contact is important.
How many ECTS does the thesis give?
10 ECTS for the Bachelor thesis and 20 ECTS for the Master thesis.
From which semester on can I write the final thesis?
Bachelor thesis: At least the introductory studies, the two compulsory seminars and the compulsory lectures must be completed. Therefore, according to the standard period of study, the Bachelor thesis can be written in the 5th or 6th semester.
Master thesis: At least the two compulsory seminars and the obligatory lectures must be completed. According to the standard period of study, the Master thesis can therefore be written from the 3rd semester onwards.
Is there a deadline for submission?
Only after consultation with the supervisor. Note that for graduation in the spring semester, the thesis must be handed in at the latest before the beginning of the next fall semester and vice versa. More on graduation
What is the length of the paper?
Usually between 30-40 pages, although this depends on the supervisor. The number of pages is not a sign of quality, the length should be in line with the usual standard of publications in economics.
Can I also write a joint paper with fellow students?
In principle, yes. However, you must discuss this with your supervisor in advance. In this case, the thesis can be written jointly by a maximum of three students. The individual parts must be clearly indicated, i.e. who did what. Of course, the requirements for group work are also somewhat higher.
In which language will the thesis be written?
English and German are the main options. You decide this after consultation with the supervisor, whereby English is preferred. English makes it easier to directly apply the specific vocabulary from the literature. However, it is relatively common for a Bachelor thesis to be written in German.
How exactly do I write the thesis and what do I have to pay attention to (composition and structure of the thesis, formal aspects)?
The guide
details very precisely how a paper should be written. Additionally, there is the LaTex template. LaTex requires a little more programming effort as an alternative to Word, but facilitates many areas such as citation, mathematical notation, or the export of tables from econometric analyses.
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Department of Economics
Degree theses
Frequently Asked Questions